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Class 6 Maths

  1. Whole numbers

    1. Place values in whole numbers

    2. Word names for numbers

    3. Roman numerals

    4. Add and subtract whole numbers

    5. Add and subtract whole numbers: word problems

  2. Multiplication

    1. Multiply whole numbers

    2. Multiply whole numbers: word problems

    3. Multiply numbers ending in zeroes

    4. Multiply numbers ending in zeroes: word problems

    5. Multiply three or more numbers

    6. Multiply three or more numbers: word problems

    7. Estimate products

  3. Division

    1. Divisibility rules

    2. Division patterns with zeroes

    3. Divide numbers ending in zeroes: word problems

    4. Estimate quotients

    5. Divide whole numbers - two-digit divisors

  4. Number theory

    1. Prime or composite

    2. Identify factors

    3. Prime factorisation

    4. Prime factorisation with exponents

    5. Highest common factor

    6. Lowest common multiple

    7. HCF and LCM: word problems

  5. Decimals

    1. What decimal number is illustrated?

    2. Decimal place values

    3. Word names for decimal numbers

    4. Convert decimals to mixed numbers

    5. Put decimal numbers in order

    6. Inequalities with decimals

    7. Round decimals

    8. Round whole numbers and decimals: find the missing digit

    9. Decimal number lines

  6. Add and subtract decimals

    1. Add and subtract decimal numbers

    2. Add and subtract decimals: word problems

    3. Estimate sums and differences of decimals

    4. Maps with decimal distances

  7. Fractions and mixed numbers

    1. Fractions and mixed numbers

    2. Understanding fractions: word problems

    3. Equivalent fractions

    4. Write fractions in lowest terms

    5. Fractions: word problems

    6. Lowest common denominator

    7. Compare fractions with like and unlike denominators

    8. Compare fractions: word problems

    9. Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers

    10. Convert between decimals and fractions or mixed numbers

    11. Put a mix of decimals, fractions and mixed numbers in order

  8. Add and subtract fractions

    1. Add and subtract fractions with like denominators

    2. Add and subtract fractions with like denominators: word problems

    3. Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators

    4. Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators: word problems

    5. Inequalities with addition and subtraction of like and unlike fractions

    6. Add and subtract mixed numbers

    7. Add and subtract mixed numbers: word problems

    8. Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers

  9. Integers

    1. Understanding integers

    2. Integers on number lines

    3. Graph integers on horizontal and vertical number lines

    4. Compare and order integers

  10. Operations with integers

    1. Add integers using counters

    2. Add integers

    3. Subtract integers using counters

    4. Subtract integers

    5. Add and subtract integers: find the sign

    6. Add and subtract integers: input/output tables

    7. Add three or more integers

  11. Mixed operations

    1. Add, subtract, multiply or divide two whole numbers

    2. Add, subtract, multiply or divide two whole numbers: word problems

    3. Evaluate numerical expressions

    4. Add and subtract decimals or fractions

    5. Add and subtract decimals or fractions: word problems

    6. Add, subtract, multiply or divide two integers

  12. Problem solving and estimation

    1. Estimate to solve word problems

    2. Multi-step word problems

    3. Word problems with extra or missing information

    4. Guess-and-check word problems

    5. Distance/direction to starting point

    6. Use logical reasoning to find the order

  13. Ratios and rates

    1. Write a ratio

    2. Write a ratio: word problems

    3. Identify equivalent ratios

    4. Write an equivalent ratio

    5. Ratio tables

    6. Unit rates and equivalent rates

    7. Compare ratios: word problems

    8. Do the ratios form a proportion?

    9. Solve the proportion

    10. Scale drawings: word problems

  14. Units of measurement

    1. Estimate metric measurements

    2. Convert and compare metric units

    3. Metric mixed units

    4. Convert square and cubic units of length

    5. Convert between cubic metres and litres

    6. Compare temperatures above and below zero

  15. Money

    1. Find the number of each type of coin

    2. Add and subtract money amounts

    3. Add and subtract money amounts: word problems

    4. Multiply money: word problems

    5. Divide money amounts

    6. Divide money amounts: word problems

  16. Time

    1. Elapsed time

    2. Time units

    3. Find start and end times

    4. Convert between 12-hour and 24-hour time

    5. Transportation schedules

  17. Expressions and properties

    1. Write variable expressions

    2. Evaluate variable expressions

    3. Properties of addition and multiplication

    4. Multiply using the distributive property

    5. Write equivalent expressions using properties

    6. Properties of addition

    7. Properties of multiplication

    8. Solve for a variable using properties of multiplication

    9. Identify equivalent expressions

  18. One-variable equations

    1. Write variable equations: word problems

    2. Solve equations using properties

    3. Solve equations

  19. Two-dimensional figures

    1. Is it a polygon?

    2. Types of angles

    3. Measure angles with a protractor

    4. Regular and irregular polygons

    5. Number of sides in polygons

    6. Classify triangles

    7. Identify trapeziums

    8. Classify quadrilaterals

    9. Graph triangles and quadrilaterals

    10. Find the unknown angle in triangles and quadrilaterals

    11. Lines, line segments and rays

    12. Parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines

    13. Parts of a circle

  20. Symmetry and transformations

    1. Lines of symmetry

    2. Rotational symmetry

    3. Reflection, rotation and translation

    4. Identify congruent and similar figures

  21. Constructions

    1. Construct the midpoint or perpendicular bisector of a segment

    2. Construct an angle bisector

    3. Construct a perpendicular line

    4. Construct an equilateral triangle or regular hexagon

  22. Three-dimensional figures

    1. Identify three-dimensional figures

    2. Count vertices, edges and faces

    3. Which figure is being described?

    4. Nets of three-dimensional figures

    5. Three-dimensional figures viewed from different perspectives

  23. Geometric measurement

    1. Perimeter

    2. Area of squares and rectangles

    3. Area of compound figures

    4. Area between two rectangles

    5. Area and perimeter of figures on grids

    6. Area and perimeter: word problems

    7. Use area and perimeter to determine cost

    8. Volume of figures made of unit cubes

  24. Data and graphs

    1. Interpret pictographs

    2. Create pictographs

    3. Interpret stem-and-leaf plots

    4. Create stem-and-leaf plots

    5. Interpret line plots

    6. Create line plots

    7. Create frequency tables

    8. Interpret bar graphs

    9. Create bar graphs

    10. Interpret histograms

    11. Create histograms

    12. Interpret line graphs

    13. Create line graphs

  25. Probability

    1. Combinations

    2. Make predictions

    3. Compound events - find the number of outcomes by counting

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