Class 2 English
Reading foundations
How many syllables does the word have?
Sort by the number of syllables
Choose the picture that rhymes with the word
Which word does not rhyme?
Complete the rhyme
Complete the poem with a word that rhymes
Spell rhyming words to answer riddles
Consonant blends and digraphs
Complete the word with the correct initial consonant blend
Complete the word with the correct final consonant blend
Spell the word with a consonant blend
Complete the word with the correct digraph: ch, sh, th
Complete the word with the correct digraph: ph, qu, wh
Spell the digraph word: ch, sh, th
Spell the digraph word: ph, qu, wh
Sort by initial consonant blend or digraph
Complete the word with a three-letter consonant blend
Complete the sentence with a three-letter consonant blend word
Complete the words with silent letters
Short vowels
Complete the word with the correct short vowel
Spell the short a word
Spell the short e word
Spell the short i word
Spell the short o word
Spell the short u word
Short and long vowels
Sort short and long vowel words
Match the short a and long a words to pictures
Match the short e and long e words to pictures
Choose the short i or long i word that matches the picture
Choose the short o or long o word that matches the picture
Choose the short u or long u word that matches the picture
Use spelling patterns to sort long and short vowel words
Is the syllable open or closed?
Spell words with open and closed syllables
Complete the sentence with the correct -ild, -ind, -old, -olt or -ost word
Silent e
Choose the silent e word that matches the picture
Complete the silent e words
Spell the silent e word
Vowel digraphs
Choose the picture that matches the vowel digraph word
Complete the vowel digraph words
Complete the word with the correct vowel digraph
Choose the vowel digraph sentence that matches the picture
Long vowels
Choose the words with a given long vowel
Spell the long a word: silent e, ai, ay
Spell the long e word: ee, ea
Spell the long i word: silent e, ie, y
Spell the long o word: silent e, oa, ow
Spell the long u word: silent e, ue, oo, ew
Diphthongs: oi, oy, ou, ow
Choose the diphthong word that matches the picture
Complete the word with the correct diphthong: oi, oy, ou, ow
Choose the diphthong sentence that matches the picture
Variant vowels
Complete words with variant vowels
Which word has a different vowel sound?
Soft g and c
Sort soft and hard g words and soft and hard c words
Pick the soft g or soft c word that matches the picture
Choose the soft g or soft c sentence that matches the picture
Spell the soft g or soft c word
Two-syllable words
Put two syllables together to create a word: easier
Put two syllables together to create a word: harder
Complete the two-syllable words
Complete the sentence with a two-syllable word
Complete the consonant-l-e words
Choose the correct spelling of the consonant-l-e word
Spell the consonant-l-e word
Sight words
Choose the sight word that you hear
Complete the sentence with the correct sight word
Spell the sight word
Reading strategies
Order events in a story
Inference and analysis
Use actions and dialogue to understand characters
Analyse stories
Determine the themes of myths, fables and folktales
Cause and effect
Match each effect to its cause
Match each cause to its effect
Compare and contrast
Compare and contrast in informational passages
Informational texts
Read and understand informational passages
Writing strategies
Organising writing
Put the sentences in order
Topic sentences
Choose topic sentences for narrative paragraphs
Choose topic sentences for expository paragraphs
Linking words
Use conjunctions
Use subordinating conjunctions
Identify time-order words
Use time-order words
Author's purpose
Choose the text that matches the writer's purpose
Opinion writing
Complete the fact and opinion sentences
Complete the opinion passage with an example
Complete the opinion passage with a reason
Complete the opinion-reason-example table
Descriptive details
Choose the sensory details that match the picture
Add descriptive details to sentences
Revise the sentence using a stronger verb
Prefixes and suffixes
Complete the word with the ending that you hear
Identify base words, prefixes and suffixes
Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re- or mis-
Use the prefixes pre-, re- and mis-
Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less
Prefixes and suffixes: review
Compound words
Form compound words
Form and use compound words
Sort words into categories
Which word is not like the others?
Synonyms and antonyms
Choose the synonym
Find synonyms in context
Choose the antonym
Which sentence uses an antonym?
Find antonyms in context
Which sentence has the same meaning?
Homophones with pictures
Identify homophones
Use the correct homophone
Multiple-meaning words
Multiple-meaning words with pictures
Shades of meaning
Find the words with related meanings
Describe the difference between related words
Order related words based on meaning
Choose the picture that matches the idiomatic expression
Context clues
Use context to identify the meaning of a word
Reference skills
Order alphabetically based on the first letter
Order alphabetically based on the first two letters
Order alphabetically based on the first three letters
Use guide words
Use dictionary entries
Grammar and mechanics
Sentences, fragments and run-ons
Is the sentence a statement, question, command or exclamation?
Identify the subject of a sentence
Identify the predicate of a sentence
Is it a complete sentence or a fragment?
Is it a complete sentence or a run-on?
Is it a complete sentence, a fragment or a run-on?
Unscramble the words to make a complete sentence
Select the nouns
Which word is a noun?
Identify nouns
Sort common and proper nouns
Identify common and proper nouns
Form regular plurals with -s and -es
Use regular plurals with -s and -es
Use singular and plural nouns
Is the noun singular or plural?
Form and use irregular plurals
Identify plurals, singular possessives and plural possessives
Form the singular or plural possessive
Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns
Identify personal pronouns
Choose between subject and object personal pronouns
Replace the singular noun with a personal pronoun
Replace the plural noun with a personal pronoun
Compound subjects and objects with 'I' and 'me'
Choose the correct personal pronoun
Identify possessive pronouns
Use possessive pronouns
Choose between personal and reflexive pronouns
Use reflexive pronouns
Verb types
Use action verbs
Identify action verbs
Identify helping verbs
Subject-verb agreement
One or more than one?
Use the correct subject or verb
Pronoun-verb agreement
Verb tense
Which sentence is in the regular past tense?
Identify verbs in the regular past tense
Form and use the regular past tense
Change the sentence to future tense
Identify the irregular past tense I
Identify the irregular past tense II
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 1
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 2
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 3
Form and use the irregular past tense: set 4
Match the -ed and -ing sentences to the pictures
To be: use the correct present tense form
To be: use the correct past tense form
To be: use the correct form
To have: use the correct form
Place sentences with irregular verbs on a timeline
Is the sentence in the past, present or future tense?
Use the correct article: a or an
Identify articles
Adjectives and adverbs
Use sense words
Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many?
Identify the adjective that describes the noun
Identify adjectives
Identify comparative and superlative adjectives
Does the adverb tell you how, when or where?
Identify adverbs
Choose between adjectives and adverbs
Is the word an adjective or adverb?
Select the best preposition to match the picture
Select the best preposition to complete the sentence
Form pronoun-verb contractions
Form contractions with 'not'
Use pronoun-verb contractions
Use contractions with 'not'
Use contractions in a sentence
Capitalising the names of people and pets
Capitalising days, months and holidays
Capitalising the names of places and geographic features
Capitalising titles
Greetings and closings of letters