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Class 1 Maths
Counting and number patterns
Counting review - up to 10
Count to fill a ten frame
Counting review - up to 20
Counting tens and ones - up to 30
Count on ten frames - up to 40
Counting - up to 100
Counting tens and ones - up to 99
Counting by twos, fives and tens with pictures
Counting by twos, fives and tens
Counting forward and backward
Number lines - up to 100
Hundred chart
Even or odd
Identify numbers as even or odd
Even or odd numbers on number lines
Which even or odd number comes before or after?
Skip-counting patterns - with tables
Sequences - count up and down by 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10
Sequences - count up and down by 100
Ordinal numbers
Writing numbers in words
Place values
Place value models - tens and ones
Place value models - up to hundreds
Write tens and ones - up to 30
Write tens and ones - up to 100
Understand addition
Add with pictures - sums up to 10
Addition sentences - sums up to 10
Addition sentences using number lines - sums up to 10
Adding zero
Addition skill builders
Adding 1
Adding 2
Adding 3
Adding 4
Adding 5
Adding 6
Adding 7
Adding 8
Adding 9
Adding 0
Addition facts - sums up to 10
Ways to make a number - addition sentences
Make a number using addition - sums up to 10
Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 10
Addition word problems - sums up to 10
Addition sentences for word problems - sums up to 10
Addition facts - sums up to 18
Addition sentences using number lines - sums up to 18
Addition word problems - sums up to 18
Addition sentences for word problems - sums up to 18
Addition facts - sums up to 20
Make a number using addition - sums up to 20
Addition sentences for word problems - sums up to 20
Related addition facts
Addition sentences: true or false?
Add a one-digit number to a two-digit number - without regrouping
Add a one-digit number to a two-digit number - with regrouping
Addition strategies
Add doubles
Add using doubles plus one
Add using doubles minus one
Add three numbers - use doubles
Complete the addition sentence - make ten
Add three numbers - make ten
Add two multiples of ten
Add a multiple of ten
Add three numbers
Add three numbers - word problems
Understand subtraction
Subtract with pictures - numbers up to 10
Subtraction sentences - numbers up to 10
Subtraction sentences using number lines - numbers up to 10
Subtract zero and all
Subtraction skill builders
Subtracting 1
Subtracting 2
Subtracting 3
Subtracting 4
Subtracting 5
Subtracting 6
Subtracting 7
Subtracting 8
Subtracting 9
Subtracting 0
Subtraction facts - numbers up to 10
Ways to make a number - subtraction sentences
Ways to subtract from a number - subtraction sentences
Make a number using subtraction - numbers up to 10
Complete the subtraction sentence
Subtraction word problems - numbers up to 10
Subtraction sentences for word problems - numbers up to 10
Subtraction facts - numbers up to 18
Subtraction sentences using number lines - numbers up to 18
Subtraction word problems - numbers up to 18
Subtraction sentences for word problems - numbers up to 18
Make a number using subtraction - numbers up to 20
Related subtraction facts
Subtraction sentences: true or false?
Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number - without regrouping
Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number - with regrouping
Subtraction strategies
Relate addition and subtraction sentences
Subtract doubles
Subtract multiples of 10
Subtract a multiple of 10
Comparing - review
Comparing numbers up to 10
Comparing numbers up to 100
Comparison word problems
Estimate to the nearest ten
Two-dimensional shapes
Name the two-dimensional shape
Select two-dimensional shapes
Count sides and vertices
Compare sides and vertices
Open and closed shapes
Flip, turn and slide
Three-dimensional shapes
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes
Name the three-dimensional shape
Cubes and rectangular prisms
Select three-dimensional shapes
Count vertices, edges and faces
Compare vertices, edges and faces
Identify shapes traced from solids
Identify faces of three-dimensional shapes
Shapes of everyday objects I
Shapes of everyday objects II
Spatial sense
Above and below
Beside and next to
Left, middle and right
Top, middle and bottom
Location in a grid
Data and graphs
Which picture graph is correct?
Interpret picture graphs
Which tally chart is correct?
Interpret tally charts
Which table is correct?
Interpret data in tables
Long and short
Tall and short
Light and heavy
Compare size and weight
Coin values
Count coins
Count notes
Introduction to patterns
Find the next shape in a pattern
Complete a pattern
Make a pattern
Growing patterns
Find the next shape in a growing pattern
Find the next row in a growing pattern
More, less and equally likely
Certain, probable, unlikely and impossible
Sorting, ordering and classifying
Sort shapes into a Venn diagram
Count shapes in a Venn diagram
Put numbers in order
Days of the week
Seasons of the year
Read a calendar
Months of the year
Mixed operations
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number
Which sign makes the number sentence true?
Fact families
Addition and subtraction facts - numbers up to 10
Addition and subtraction facts - numbers up to 18
Addition and subtraction word problems
Addition and subtraction terms
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